The Revival Workshop seeks to empower formerly incarcerated men to achieve their goals of having a positive impact in their families and communities through good, dignity-affirming work.

Together we endeavor to reconnect with the purpose, satisfaction and extensive value of hands-on learning and growing through the making of well-crafted wood furniture.

And we strive, in our own way, to draw from and honor the craft culture that made our city.

Based in the Hollygrove neighborhood of New Orleans, the Revival Workshop is a one-year paid apprenticeship program to help men transition home and to prepare them for a successful and rewarding future in the woodworking industry.

The program provides a living wage while one is getting skills training in the making of fine furniture, emphasizing high-level craft and care.

In the course of collectively discussing, learning and working through the processes of making finely crafted pieces we also acquire and develop the personal tools to flourish.

In order to counter preconceptions and employment barriers, the year-long program gives each apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate his reliability, trustworthiness and work ethic, in addition to a high standard of personal excellence and showcased proficiency.

 Upon successful completion of the program apprentices are assisted in placement for employment in local woodworking businesses, including finish carpentry, cabinetmaking, and furniture making.

Fabrication methodology

We find satisfaction in the hands-on engagement with the tools and materials, the hands-on thinking required (and inspired) in the process, and the challenge of mastering a tool to accomplish an ambitious result.

It is physically demanding and physically rewarding. It reinforces “human-ness” in the process of making and, hopefully, it is also uniquely embodied in the final product.

We believe the required engagement of body, mind and heart simultaneously is where work is truly made “dignity-affirming”.

What does “success” look like for us?

Commitment to healing, growth and transformation. Commitment to participate in joy, beauty, gratitude and goodness for ourselves and others. Every day.

Having goals/dreams and working in earnest towards them.

Pursuing excellence (goodness), in all things.

Making from and with integrity (wholeness, soundness, honesty).

Valuing our resources – the ability to earn a living wage while doing something we care about, to provide for ourselves, our loved ones and our community. Blessed to be a blessing.